[Soccer] Icy Soccer Field
Rate Icy Soccer Field soccer field
Your overall opinion on Icy Soccer Field
1 - Very bad
2 - Could be much better
3 - Okay
4 - Quite good
5 - Amazing
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How do you like the music in Icy Soccer Field?
1 - Very bad
2 - Could be much better
3 - Okay
4 - Quite good
5 - Amazing
No opinion
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Gameplay of Icy Soccer Field
1 - Very bad
2 - Could be much better
3 - Okay
4 - Quite good
5 - Amazing
No opinion
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Icy Soccer Field: Rate the graphics
1 - Very bad
2 - Could be much better
3 - Okay
4 - Quite good
5 - Amazing
No opinion
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Do you feel laggy on Icy Soccer Field?
Almost always
Quite often
Not that much
Not at all
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How often is it boring to play on this field?
Almost always
Quite often
Not that much
Not at all
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If Icy Soccer Field had another type of ball (ball instead of puck/vice versa), would you like the field more?
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Do you think this field requires more player experience than just handling the kart and items properly?
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For this field, how likely you are to pick a kart not from your default kart class (light for most players)?
Almost always
Quite often
Not that much
Not at all
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